Aftermath of Abuse, Yes, feeling anger and guilt are normal
Domestic Violence Surviving the anger and guilt
The reason that I wanted to write about the anger and guilt I believe many women suffer within the aftermath of abuse is because if you don't move past the anger and self-inflicted guilt you will never be happy.  Many times not dealing with these feelings causes you to attract more abuse into your life. Take the Time to Heal, it is Worth it! I am not a trained therapist, just a lady that lived through some of what you...

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15 Tips to Survive an Anxiety attack and how to Stop them before they Start!
Okay, I hate my life, my job sucks, the kids are fighting, I have no money, I can't breathe, my chest hurts, Oh my God I think I will die, I can't breathe .... Does that sound familiar? It sure does to me. I could work myself up into quite a tizzy on a moment's notice and didn't realize that I had the control to stop the anxiety attack. Granted taking medicine for a short time helped but the trick...

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