Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women – Duplicate – [#35483]
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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Take Baby Steps to Achieve Big Goals
Baby step goal setting
You want me to take baby steps to achieve big goals?  I can barely make it through the day with children to take care of, a home, a job, bills that I can't pay and then add in constant anxiety attacks, depression and illness, oh yeah, let me set some freakin goals lady! Yes, even with all that you have going on, I want you to set some Freakin Goals! Gosh if my mother heard me using the word freakin...

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Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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Learn to Stop Tolerating what you don’t want to start having what you do want
Learn to Stop Tolerating what you don’t want to start having what you do want. Decide today, will you tolerate and waste another day of your life by allowing things you don’t want to continue, or will you remove that toleration from your life today? Please share your toleration list to inspire others. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by D. Sharon Pruitt)
Are Tolerations standing in the way and blocking your Success! My favorite time of the year is the week between Christmas and the New Year, during that time I decide what my major 3-4 goals will be for the following year. I had never really heard about setting goals until a little over 20 years ago, thanks to my younger sister who knew exactly what I needed to move on after my husband had been removed from my home. I was...

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Living in the Moment after Domestic Violence – I finally realized why I struggled living in the moment
Living in the Moment - I finally realized why I struggled to live in the moment and be happy after domestic violence
"Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness. "When people are not in the moment, they're not there to know that they're not there." Overriding the distraction reflex and awakening to the present takes intentionality and practice. Do you struggle to live in the moment? Are you safe and away from abuse but still struggle to stop and smell the flowers? You are...

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How to Stay Focused on the Dream – simple things you can to do to rebuild your Self-Esteem after abuse, you are worth it!
Stay Focused on the Dream – steps to rebuild your Self-Esteem after abuse, you are worth it! Think about how you’d treat a best friend who had just been through your same situation. You likely wouldn’t tell them to “get over it already.” Let yourself take as much time as you need to sort through your emotions, feel what you need to feel and slowly come back to a positive outlook on the future.Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Aziz Acharki)
Today I was reviewing advice online to help rebuild self-esteem after abuse and the article linked below was to the point, don't try to fix everything, be patient with yourself. Be patient with yourself. Think about how you’d treat a best friend who had just been through the same situation. You likely wouldn’t tell them to “get over it already.” Let yourself take as much time as you need to sort through your emotions, feel what you need to feel...

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How to know if you are chasing the right dreams
This is the sign you have been looking for – how to know if you are chasing the right dreams – When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? I am sure many of you can relate. I am not talking life or death at the moment but we all have our hopes and dreams that we keep shooting for. For...

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Feel like you are barely hanging on most days? The benefits of finding Mentors, Role Models and Rituals
Feel like you are barely hanging on most days? The benefits of finding Mentors, Role Models and Rituals
I remember that song, "running just as fast as I can, holding onto one another’s hands, trying to get away into the night, I'm gonna put my arms around you and till we crumble to the ground and then" ... not sure how that ends but that is how I remember it at the moment. I feel like I am always running and hanging on by a thread but not sure where I am headed, do you ever feel that...

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Step out of the History… manifest your dreams
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” Oprah Winfrey Wow, I have always loved a good quote.  I wanted to share this one as it is a powerful quote for me, when you write about your past you sometimes get stuck in that history, your story.  While it is good to share your past to help others, be careful you do not get stuck there.  This has...

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If you procrastinate you can still learn how to keep focused on your dreams
Be Mindful – How counting down the hours left in the day can keep you from procrastinating. Today I watched a by Laura Vanderkam, she talks about realizing there are 168 hours in a week and how many most of us waste them. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. photo by Lesly Juarez
Do you struggle with Procrastination? Today I watched another thought-provoking talk where speaker Laura Vanderkam talks about how to gain control of your free time. In her speech about time management she talks about realizing there are 168 hours in a week and how many most of us waste them but then turn around and proudly say, “I am just so busy that I don’t have the time to do the things that I really want to.” I loved...

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15 Tips to Survive an Anxiety attack and how to Stop them before they Start!
Okay, I hate my life, my job sucks, the kids are fighting, I have no money, I can't breathe, my chest hurts, Oh my God I think I will die, I can't breathe .... Does that sound familiar? It sure does to me. I could work myself up into quite a tizzy on a moment's notice and didn't realize that I had the control to stop the anxiety attack. Granted taking medicine for a short time helped but the trick...

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You do not need to suffer in the silence of your depression and anxiety?
Do not suffer in the silence of your anxiety and depression. Today I was very moved to share a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression. Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate, Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Jairo Alzate)
I just love, I often just go there to find talks that will inspire my day. Today I was very moved to shared a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression.   Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate. How was I supposed to share that and coach women? Over the last few years I have...

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If you are looking for fast results, you have a 5-second window to change your life
You have a 5 second window to change your life, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … I always love when I open the right book at the right time or turn on the TV and one of my favorites things in on. Well, something like that happened today but I wasn’t even looking. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Shttefan)
I always love when I open the right book at the right time or turn on the TV and one of my favorites things in on.  Well, something like that happened today but I wasn't even looking.  I love that I can cast Youtube from my phone to my bedroom tv, well today I was doing some work on the computer and I wanted to watch some videos about the stuff I love, blogging, marketing, stuff like that, nothing special,...

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Rituals can help you improve mental stress and anxiety
My Dramatic Mental Weight Loss – Rituals that helped me take control of my mental stress and anxiety. Over the last few years I have discovered that if I put certain things in place as rituals I didn’t stay in my self-induced funk as long as I had in the past. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by D. Sharon Pruitt)
Over the last few years, I have discovered that if I put certain things in place as rituals I didn’t stay in my self-induced funk as long as I had in the past. Man was I dedicated, I could make a funk last for days, and even weeks if I tried or rather didn’t try. Anyway, one of the best rituals I have been doing for the past year or so has been listening to Joyce Meyers within the first...

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Who knew you could relieve stress and anxiety with a little pin – using Pinterest to change your mood and focus
Who knew you could relieve stress and anxiety with a little Pinning
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Pinterest I go! Use Pinterest for Stress Relief, who knew! When I first wrote this post around 3 years ago I had just recently learned about the power of Pinterest. It was months after hearing the name before I finally decided to check out what all the excitement was about. Well, here we are, maybe 3 or more years later. At first, I was interested in what the site had to offer me...

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Are You A Wannabee, Procrastinating Dreamer?
Are you a Wannabee Procrastinating Dreamer? Do you suffer with the anxiety of wanting something so much that you yearn and crave to be doing it every minute of every day? Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
Do you suffer from the anxiety of wanting something so much that you yearn and crave to be doing it every minute of every day but you procrastinate? I do. I admit that I am a wannabee procrastinating dreamer.  I procrastinate about writing, I think about writing all the time, I fall to sleep at night thinking about writing, I talk about writing; sadly, the only thing that I don’t do is actually write on a consistent basis. Definition of...

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Self-Esteem – Improve Your Self-Esteem by looking in the mirror
Self-Esteem – I Improved My Self-Esteem by looking in the mirror
One of my all-time favorite books is called Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. A dear friend gave me this book a few years after I was out of the domestic violence and I believe it helped me in more ways than I can list.  If you ever read another book of self-discovery, read this one. This one book helped me recover in the aftermath of domestic violence and greatly helped improve my self-esteem with each page and lesson that...

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