How to Create Your Own Tribe of Role Models on Social Media
Top Mentors and Role Models that Inspire me Daily - free steps to success printable
I wanted to share how to create your own tribe of role models and mentors through social medial.  I have received so much support from the long line of Role Models that I secretly stalk online. Ok, I really don’t stalk them but I have searched out people that inspire me and I follow them on social media, it can’t get much easier than that. I am often shocked when someone doesn’t know who Tony Robbins is, I am like...

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Mentors and Role Models – Top 6 Mentors and Role Models that Inspire me Daily!
Mentors and Role Models - Top 6 Mentors and Role Models that Inspire me Daily!
I am a big believer in the power of having Mentors and Role Models. We encourage our children to have mentors and role models, so why does that change as we get older? My first Mentor was Tony Robbins, my sister had given me his 30-day program at one of the most pivotal times of my life, this changed me forever. You will never know it all and having someone to learn from and look up to will keep you focused...

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Role Models – be the Role Model you need – Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models are a big part of my day. Most days, my most focused and productive, I listen or watch something from a Role Model that inspires me to focus on my success. A big part of what makes me feel success is writing to you and sharing what keeps me moving towards my dreams. Today, I opened Youtube and cast it on my tv, on the list of videos that showed up randomly was one called The Greatest Speech...

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Feel like you are barely hanging on most days? The benefits of finding Mentors, Role Models and Rituals
Feel like you are barely hanging on most days? The benefits of finding Mentors, Role Models and Rituals
I remember that song, "running just as fast as I can, holding onto one another’s hands, trying to get away into the night, I'm gonna put my arms around you and till we crumble to the ground and then" ... not sure how that ends but that is how I remember it at the moment. I feel like I am always running and hanging on by a thread but not sure where I am headed, do you ever feel that...

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