Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
I encourage you to post related Quotes and I will list them here. Please leave the name of the author, as a writer I don't like to post without giving credit. Readers are often searching for quotes on Domestic Violence and Support. I hope that these may inspire your day or make you think; abuse is never your fault and should not be tolerated by anyone. "Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens...

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Step out of the History… manifest your dreams
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” Oprah Winfrey Wow, I have always loved a good quote.  I wanted to share this one as it is a powerful quote for me, when you write about your past you sometimes get stuck in that history, your story.  While it is good to share your past to help others, be careful you do not get stuck there.  This has...

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