If you want to reach your goals, you must get out the door!
Come on now, “get out the door!”… you can’t cross the finish line if you don’t “get out the door!” The following post reminds us not to give up, to push past the pain no matter what is causing it and to cross that finish line. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. photo by Gleren Meneghin
Just get started The following post reminds us not to give up, to push past the pain no matter what is causing it and to cross that finish line. The following was written by the amazing man in my life.  He has always inspired me not to quit and when he shared this writing with me about just getting started by getting out the door, I knew it would inspire you as well. Just get out the door I signed...

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