Role Models – be the Role Model you need – Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models are a big part of my day. Most days, my most focused and productive, I listen or watch something from a Role Model that inspires me to focus on my success. A big part of what makes me feel success is writing to you and sharing what keeps me moving towards my dreams. Today, I opened Youtube and cast it on my tv, on the list of videos that showed up randomly was one called The Greatest Speech...

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To be Powerful and Successful you must have a morning routine, start with baby steps
To be powerful and successful you must have a morning routine
Daily Rituals I have been working over the last year to create good daily rituals to help me be successful, one of the most important things that I do is listen or read something that inspires and motivates me, like coffee, I need the fix daily. Today I wanted to share the interview below with Jim Kwik, I found it to be inspiring in regards to how important the morning ritual really is and I encourage you to listen to...

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