Learn to Stop Tolerating what you don’t want to start having what you do want
Learn to Stop Tolerating what you don’t want to start having what you do want. Decide today, will you tolerate and waste another day of your life by allowing things you don’t want to continue, or will you remove that toleration from your life today? Please share your toleration list to inspire others. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by D. Sharon Pruitt)
Are Tolerations standing in the way and blocking your Success! My favorite time of the year is the week between Christmas and the New Year, during that time I decide what my major 3-4 goals will be for the following year. I had never really heard about setting goals until a little over 20 years ago, thanks to my younger sister who knew exactly what I needed to move on after my husband had been removed from my home. I was...

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How to know if you are chasing the right dreams
This is the sign you have been looking for – how to know if you are chasing the right dreams – When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? I am sure many of you can relate. I am not talking life or death at the moment but we all have our hopes and dreams that we keep shooting for. For...

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If you procrastinate you can still learn how to keep focused on your dreams
Be Mindful – How counting down the hours left in the day can keep you from procrastinating. Today I watched a Ted.com by Laura Vanderkam, she talks about realizing there are 168 hours in a week and how many most of us waste them. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. photo by Lesly Juarez
Do you struggle with Procrastination? Today I watched another thought-provoking Ted.com talk where speaker Laura Vanderkam talks about how to gain control of your free time. In her speech about time management she talks about realizing there are 168 hours in a week and how many most of us waste them but then turn around and proudly say, “I am just so busy that I don’t have the time to do the things that I really want to.” I loved...

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