You do not need to suffer in the silence of your depression and anxiety?
Do not suffer in the silence of your anxiety and depression. Today I was very moved to share a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression. Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate, Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Jairo Alzate)
I just love, I often just go there to find talks that will inspire my day. Today I was very moved to shared a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression.   Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate. How was I supposed to share that and coach women? Over the last few years I have...

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