Make all your dreams come true, learn how to discover your life purpose in 5 minutes – let your passion take the lead
Discover your life purpose in 5 minutes – let your passion take the lead. Adam Leipzig started a Ted talk by asking, “would you like to know your life purpose in 5 minutes?” For many I was never 100% sure who I was supposed to be writing for, I had some ideas but was never able to identify the specifics until I watched this video. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Ian Schneider)
I was watching a talk on, one of my favorite things to do to keep me inspired. I don’t remember what I had initially watched because the one that played immediately after really caught my attention. The speaker, Adam Leipzig started the talk by asking, “would you like to know your life purpose in 5 minutes?” Hell yeah, I would. For many years I knew that my purpose was to share my writing but I was never 100% sure...

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