Take Baby Steps to Achieve Big Goals
Baby step goal setting
You want me to take baby steps to achieve big goals?  I can barely make it through the day with children to take care of, a home, a job, bills that I can't pay and then add in constant anxiety attacks, depression and illness, oh yeah, let me set some freakin goals lady! Yes, even with all that you have going on, I want you to set some Freakin Goals! Gosh if my mother heard me using the word freakin...

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How to know if you are chasing the right dreams
This is the sign you have been looking for – how to know if you are chasing the right dreams – When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How often have we all heard that quote? It is a great quote unless you are in need of it. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you felt you would just keep trying until it killed you? I am sure many of you can relate. I am not talking life or death at the moment but we all have our hopes and dreams that we keep shooting for. For...

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