I am a big believer in the power of having Mentors and Role Models.
We encourage our children to have mentors and role models, so why does that change as we get older?
My first Mentor was Tony Robbins, my sister had given me his 30-day program at one of the most pivotal times of my life, this changed me forever. You will never know it all and having someone to learn from and look up to will keep you focused on your self-development and growth. Over the years I have found that having different Mentors and Role Models for different areas of my life has been the key to having a well-rounded life.
While I have listed 6 of my current mentors and role models below there are many others that have listened such as Jim Rohn, John Maxwell and the list goes on, but the ones below I listen to on a regular basis at this time. Please leave the name of your mentor’s and role models in a comment as they may just be what someone else is searching for.
Not everyone will be inspired by someone else’s mentor or role model, but we have to start somewhere.
I have recently decided to narrow my focus in regards to the Mentors and Role Models that I listen to as I was all over the place, of course, this happened after taking this advice from Natalie Bacon (listed below). She was talking about how she will only work on one course at a time, this brought me such clarity as I have 2 Pinterest courses I was taking and had several other courses on the back burner. She helped me to realize the benefits of being focused on learning one thing at a time, implementing everything and then moving on from there. This prompted me to narrow down the list of who I was taking advice from as well. The list of Mentors and Role Models below is exactly what I need now for my personal development, and business.
While the list below inspires and motivates me, they may not be your cup of tea, but my goal is to encourage you to find Mentors and Role Models of your own.
Make this a no-brainer, if you find a mentor or role model you like, go to their website and sign up for their email list, then follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, when you follow them on Youtube make sure to click on the bell so you get an alert when a new video is added, this is my favorite feature and reminder. Check out this post: How to Create Your Own Tribe of Role Models on Social Media
- Anthony Robbins – TonyRobbins.com – as I said before, Tony was my first Mentor and Role Model. He has been a mentor for so long now that we are on a first-name basis so I just call him Tony. I have been implementing Tony’s wisdom for over 20 plus years now. When I am feeling really stuck, the sound of his voice makes me sit up straight and remember that I am powerful. I usually check him out at Tony Robbins Live Youtube
- Tom Bilyeu – ImpactTheory.com – I only discovered Tom’s amazing life advice within this last year. I had been watching someone interview him and the rest is history. Every time I watch him speak I appreciate the luck of randomly discovering him and his show Impact Theory. Tom is very down to earth and gives so much to others in the area of self-development and feeling eMpowered to own your life. The bonus is that by watching his channel I have been blessed to find additional mentors and role models in all areas of my life. My 13-year-old daughter even watches him with me now. I encourage you to check out his show called Impact Theory or Tom Bilyeu’s YouTube Channel
- Joyce Meyers – JoyceMeyers.org – I am pretty sure I came across Joyce over 5 years ago when I couldn’t sleep one night. I am positive that God had placed her on the television at the exact time he knew I would turn on the TV. I had been mentally struggling and there she was, talking directly to me about the exact issues I was struggling with. You know when you open a book to the page of advice you needed, well that is what happens every single time I watch her broadcast, it still amazes me how that happens. Joyce offers amazing life advice so even if you are not a big believer, she is amazing and funny. Check out her website or watch Joyce Meyers Youtube Channel.
- Mel Robbins – MelRobbins.com – Oh Mel, where have you been all my life! Mel has a way of making you jump up and take action. She is also amazing at helping you create habits and rituals to be successful. She breaks your success down to the 5 seconds that can change your life, really, 5 seconds is all it takes! Like most that I listen to Mel is down to earth and shares her own struggles to remind you that we all make mistakes, we all need help and you can change your life. One of the big things she reminded me of was what she calls, “The 5 Second Rule,” something I had been doing in the past but had forgotten how powerful and life-changing 5 seconds could truly be. Below are 2 posts that I was encouraged to write after listening to Mel. You can also check out Mel Robbins Youtube channel.
- Natalie Bacon – NatalieBacon.com – I listen to her often for advice and resources for developing my online presences and passive income. She is the real deal, Natalie created her blog and now makes 6 figures online. She talks fast like me and gives actionable advice. She will help you get started or help you to learn more as you grow your passive income or blog. Check out her website or watch her on Natalie Bacon’s Youtube Channel
- Alex and Lauren from Create and Go – CreatandGo.com -I was blessed to stumble across their website as it is filled with tips and resources to make your online business a success. They are very down to earth and share a ton of information. You can read on the site and watch the countless videos, I love to learn both ways. I plan to take several of their courses as soon as I am done the ones I already have. Natalie Bacon is one of their students as well and looks at how great she is doing. Learn from those that are doing what you want to do! Check them out Create and Go Youtube channel.
All of the Mentors and Role Models that I watch and listen to encourage me to read, listen or watch something every day, preferably when I first way up, this ritual helps me to be eMpowered and focused on my success. This morning I discovered the following video that includes my favorite Tom Bilyeu, Tony, Mel and others mentors, the funny part is that I had started this post last week and planned to work on it after my morning ritual of listening to something that would eMpower me and here we are! I encourage you to watch the video or just close your eyes and listen to it. If you like it save it to your favorites on Youtube for those days when you need a kick in the butt!
Okay, so what if the people that inspire me do not inspire you?
Go to your Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts or hop over to Youtube and type in keywords like mentors, role models, inspiration, success, and goals. Start listening and reading, you are bound to come across a voice and message that clicks with you.
After I find someone that inspires me I go to their site if they have one and sign up to receive emails and then I follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and their Youtube channel if they have one. That way I will not forget about them and will be reminded to listen to them on a regular basis.
The best part is that when you like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter is you will then see additional people to follow on that subject, this is a great way to find additional Mentors and Role Models. Check out this post: How to Create Your Own Tribe of Role Models on Social Media
Create the person you want to be, this is often a hard but valuable lesson, once you understand this, your life and future will change dramatically.
My Goal in writing to YOU today is that You:
- Feel eMpowered and encouraged to find Mentors and Role models that work for YOU.
- Take action and create a morning routine and rituals that will bring YOU closer to YOUR dreams.
- Refuse to let YOUR past and others determine who YOU are and who YOU can be!
- Take ACTION EVERY DAY (like NOW) to make YOUR dreams a reality.