Highly Creative – Top 10 traits of a Highly Creative Person

Highly Creative – Top 10 traits of a Highly Creative Person

I just love when I come across something that helps me understand how truly highly creative I am, if this is you I encourage you to read the full article, this is really helpful too if you love a highly creative person.

Click here for the full article titled, “10 Things to keep in Mind When Loving a Highly Creative Person” – written by Justin Gammill.

I knew I was creative but had never heard it put this way. It was like he was listing everything about me.

#1. Highly Creative – Their minds don’t slow down:

holy smokes, that is me. My mind is always going, I can’t stop it, even at bedtime, I am thinking of so many different things. I have more ideas of things to do and write about than any human being should. Reading this in some way helped remind me that I am highly creative, not just crazy!

#3. Highly Creative – They need alone time:

I have tried to explain this to my family but often they think I just don’t want to be around them, part of that is true but really, I just need time alone to replenish my soul to be a better person for them. I think this goes for most people, not just highly creative ones.

top 10 traits highly creative people

Over the years this is something I have accepted and just take the time I need, most of the time without feeling guilty. My family knows to let me wake up slowly as that is my favorite time alone, it helps me to clear my busy, creative mind for the day.

#6. Highly Creative – They speak in stories: wow:

as a writer how true is this. I can’t seem to just have thoughts about something, I have this compelling desire to share that wisdom or situation with you in hopes of helping you in some small way. Sometimes I wish I could shut that off but, can’t find that button yet.

There were 10 things listed in the original article and they all really applied to me, but I just wanted to share a few keys ones here. If you are a highly creative person, please share which one of these jumped out to you the most.

I love when I come across something that really sparks me to think and I hope you enjoy it too!  Please share something that inspires you.

ReBeccaBurns.com eMpowering Women

top 10 traits highly creative people