A morning routine is not one size fits all
A morning routine is not one size fits all
If you have read anything about feeling successful, you know that you must have a really good morning routine. It is important what time you get up, get out of bed, get dressed, drink a ton of water, eat, workout and then start the day so to speak. Much of the advice I have heard over the years tells me to get up an hour or 2 before my family and jump out of bed when the alarm goes off,...

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Take Baby Steps to Achieve Big Goals
Baby step goal setting
You want me to take baby steps to achieve big goals?  I can barely make it through the day with children to take care of, a home, a job, bills that I can't pay and then add in constant anxiety attacks, depression and illness, oh yeah, let me set some freakin goals lady! Yes, even with all that you have going on, I want you to set some Freakin Goals! Gosh if my mother heard me using the word freakin...

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Sharing our stories is why we are here
Women of Impact Blog
Do you ever have those days where you feel like you are just there for the ride?   Have you ever gotten halfway through a crappy day and realized that you had the power to snap out of it but forgot you had that power? The answer for me is a big Yes! I often admit that for me to be in a good mindset I need to fill my mind with something that lights a fire in my belly. For...

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How to Create Your Own Tribe of Role Models on Social Media
Top Mentors and Role Models that Inspire me Daily - free steps to success printable
I wanted to share how to create your own tribe of role models and mentors through social medial.  I have received so much support from the long line of Role Models that I secretly stalk online. Ok, I really don’t stalk them but I have searched out people that inspire me and I follow them on social media, it can’t get much easier than that. I am often shocked when someone doesn’t know who Tony Robbins is, I am like...

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Breathing consciously for 19 seconds will help you feel better
Breathing consciously for 19 seconds will help you feel better
If you want to learn how to breathe right, watch a baby, this is how we all used to breathe Who knew we could breathe wrong? I knew breath was important but had no idea that doing breathing exercises could improve my overall health and mindset.  Since I am always searching for ways to improve my life when I saw a video that assured me that in 19 seconds I could feel better, I thought, why not. Of course, I knew...

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Highly Creative – Top 10 traits of a Highly Creative Person
Highly Creative – Top 10 traits of a Highly Creative Person
I just love when I come across something that helps me understand how truly highly creative I am, if this is you I encourage you to read the full article, this is really helpful too if you love a highly creative person. Click here for the full article titled, "10 Things to keep in Mind When Loving a Highly Creative Person" - written by Justin Gammill. I knew I was creative but had never heard it put this way. It...

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Role Models – be the Role Model you need – Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models are a big part of my day. Most days, my most focused and productive, I listen or watch something from a Role Model that inspires me to focus on my success. A big part of what makes me feel success is writing to you and sharing what keeps me moving towards my dreams. Today, I opened Youtube and cast it on my tv, on the list of videos that showed up randomly was one called The Greatest Speech...

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Steps to Success Free Printable- Learn to Overcome 7 Roadblocks that Prevent Your Success
Steps to Success to avoid the 7 Roadblocks that Prevent Your Success Free Printable and Worksheet along with my Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists
[bctt tweet="Success is the child of drudgery and perseverance. It cannot be coaxed or bribed; pay the price and it is yours. Orison Swett Marden" username="rebeccaburnsorg"] Scroll to the bottom to get your 7 Roadblocks Steps to Success Free Printable along with your Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists you can be part of the elite 1% of people that achieve their goals by following the Steps to Success. Please Join the 1% Club and Learn the Steps to Success!...

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Who knew you could relieve stress and anxiety with a little pin – using Pinterest to change your mood and focus
Who knew you could relieve stress and anxiety with a little Pinning
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Pinterest I go! Use Pinterest for Stress Relief, who knew! When I first wrote this post around 3 years ago I had just recently learned about the power of Pinterest. It was months after hearing the name before I finally decided to check out what all the excitement was about. Well, here we are, maybe 3 or more years later. At first, I was interested in what the site had to offer me...

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Are You A Wannabee, Procrastinating Dreamer?
Are you a Wannabee Procrastinating Dreamer? Do you suffer with the anxiety of wanting something so much that you yearn and crave to be doing it every minute of every day? Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
Do you suffer from the anxiety of wanting something so much that you yearn and crave to be doing it every minute of every day but you procrastinate? I do. I admit that I am a wannabee procrastinating dreamer.  I procrastinate about writing, I think about writing all the time, I fall to sleep at night thinking about writing, I talk about writing; sadly, the only thing that I don’t do is actually write on a consistent basis. Definition of...

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