You bloomin fool, you’ve been planted, the rest is up to you
bloom where you are planted
We have all heard the wonderful saying, “bloom where you’re planted,” by Mary Engelbreit. If you haven’t, well you must be under a really large heap of dirt in that garden of yours. One of my favorite books is, “Simple Abundance,” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I’ve read it around 6-7 times by now, but every now and then, when I can’t seem to find my way in the world or I don’t seem to have a moment to myself, I...

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Role Models – be the Role Model you need – Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
Role Models are a big part of my day. Most days, my most focused and productive, I listen or watch something from a Role Model that inspires me to focus on my success. A big part of what makes me feel success is writing to you and sharing what keeps me moving towards my dreams. Today, I opened Youtube and cast it on my tv, on the list of videos that showed up randomly was one called The Greatest Speech...

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Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
I encourage you to post related Quotes and I will list them here. Please leave the name of the author, as a writer I don't like to post without giving credit. Readers are often searching for quotes on Domestic Violence and Support. I hope that these may inspire your day or make you think; abuse is never your fault and should not be tolerated by anyone. "Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens...

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Quote by Lucille Ball on Regret – how will you chose to live with it?
Quote Lucille Ball on Regret
[bctt tweet="I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. - Lucille Ball" username="rebeccaburnsorg"] This quote by Lucille Ball is one of my all time favorites, the way she could make you laugh until you almost wet your pants, that was one of her many gifts.  I love this quote and hope you do too.  We all live with regrets for things we have done, but at least we tried. I feel we are here...

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Step out of the History… manifest your dreams
Role Models - be the Role Model you need - Life Advice from Oprah Winfrey
“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” Oprah Winfrey Wow, I have always loved a good quote.  I wanted to share this one as it is a powerful quote for me, when you write about your past you sometimes get stuck in that history, your story.  While it is good to share your past to help others, be careful you do not get stuck there.  This has...

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