Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women – Duplicate – [#35483]
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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Take Baby Steps to Achieve Big Goals
Baby step goal setting
You want me to take baby steps to achieve big goals?  I can barely make it through the day with children to take care of, a home, a job, bills that I can't pay and then add in constant anxiety attacks, depression and illness, oh yeah, let me set some freakin goals lady! Yes, even with all that you have going on, I want you to set some Freakin Goals! Gosh if my mother heard me using the word freakin...

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Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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Have we forgotten that the men on death row were once children too
Have we forgotten that the men on death row were once children too
As I writer I love a good quote, the one that had been on my screen saver for months at the time of this writing was written by Ernest Hemingway and it read: “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” My true sentence will come a little later. Have you ever read something that compelled you to take immediate action because you were so moved?  Well, I had one of...

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Are you struggling to let your guard down after domestic violence? You are not alone!
do you struggle to let your guard down after abuse
Today I wanted to respond to a comment that a reader left about letting her guard down. She wrote, "Every time a man gets too close I find a reason to push him away, fearing that if I let my guard down I will be hurt again. Can I ever love anyone again? All of us have a little voice in the back of our head along with a feeling in our gut that warns us if we may be...

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Living in the Moment after Domestic Violence – I finally realized why I struggled living in the moment
Living in the Moment - I finally realized why I struggled to live in the moment and be happy after domestic violence
"Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness. "When people are not in the moment, they're not there to know that they're not there." Overriding the distraction reflex and awakening to the present takes intentionality and practice. Do you struggle to live in the moment? Are you safe and away from abuse but still struggle to stop and smell the flowers? You are...

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Child Abuse through a little boy’s eyes, My name is Bobby poem
Child abuse through little boys eyes - my name is Bobby
My Name Is Bobby is a poem that I wrote many years ago to help me express how I felt a child must feel in the midst of child abuse.  My name is Bobby is my attempt to show abuse from a child's point of view. I have received so many emails about this poem and many requests to use this poem in plays and other ways. I am honored to be asked to use the poem and so that...

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Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
Top Domestic Violence Quotes – words to help you know you are not alone
I encourage you to post related Quotes and I will list them here. Please leave the name of the author, as a writer I don't like to post without giving credit. Readers are often searching for quotes on Domestic Violence and Support. I hope that these may inspire your day or make you think; abuse is never your fault and should not be tolerated by anyone. "Domestic violence can be so easy for people to ignore, as it often happens...

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My Full Circle Moment – just me and Martina McBride
My Full Circle Moment - just me and Martina McBride
I wrote this years ago but never shared it.  Today as I was having my ritual alone time with my morning cup of coffee, it reminded me of my full circle moment with Martina McBride.  I wanted to write about living in the grateful of today. For some of you, I know there are days when it seems that there is nothing to be grateful for, I have been there too. At times the only grateful I had was that...

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Domestic Violence – the unseen impact on the families of Police Officers
Domestic Violence – the unseen impact on the families of Police Officers
Dedicated to slain officer’s Tom Baitinger and Jeffrey Yaslowitz, their families, co-workers, community, and pets, especially Ace. Violence is not the problem; it is a consequence of the problem – Jim Wallis I wrote this around 6 years ago but never posted it, while looking at some past writing I stumbled on it and felt that this was something I needed to share as nothing has changed over the years. That night, some 6 years ago on January 24, 2011,...

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Aftermath of Abuse, Yes, feeling anger and guilt are normal
Domestic Violence Surviving the anger and guilt
The reason that I wanted to write about the anger and guilt I believe many women suffer within the aftermath of abuse is because if you don't move past the anger and self-inflicted guilt you will never be happy.  Many times not dealing with these feelings causes you to attract more abuse into your life. Take the Time to Heal, it is Worth it! I am not a trained therapist, just a lady that lived through some of what you...

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Self-Esteem – Improve Your Self-Esteem by looking in the mirror
Self-Esteem – I Improved My Self-Esteem by looking in the mirror
One of my all-time favorite books is called Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. A dear friend gave me this book a few years after I was out of the domestic violence and I believe it helped me in more ways than I can list.  If you ever read another book of self-discovery, read this one. This one book helped me recover in the aftermath of domestic violence and greatly helped improve my self-esteem with each page and lesson that...

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