Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women – Duplicate – [#35483]
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women
ask rebecca
Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca: I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated. Thank You, Laurie Dear Laurie, I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to...

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You can change your Focus in 5 seconds, what do you have to lose?
Live in the seconds of your life, not the hours – how 5 seconds can change your focus immediately. The 5 second rule as it is called, worked for me before I even knew the science behind it, when I was playing that same abuse over and over in my head, at one point I would allow myself 5 seconds to think about it, then forced myself to think of something positive. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful.
I was working the other day and wanted to learn more about the 5-second rule, while I had used some of this in my life I wanted to know more.  The video below has one of my favorite people, Lewis Howe, just a down to earth person that I am learning so much from in regards to the people he brings on his show. The 5 second rule as it is called, worked for me before I even knew the...

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Living in the Moment after Domestic Violence – I finally realized why I struggled living in the moment
Living in the Moment - I finally realized why I struggled to live in the moment and be happy after domestic violence
"Everyone agrees it's important to live in the moment, but the problem is how," says Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard and author of Mindfulness. "When people are not in the moment, they're not there to know that they're not there." Overriding the distraction reflex and awakening to the present takes intentionality and practice. Do you struggle to live in the moment? Are you safe and away from abuse but still struggle to stop and smell the flowers? You are...

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Breathing consciously for 19 seconds will help you feel better
Breathing consciously for 19 seconds will help you feel better
If you want to learn how to breathe right, watch a baby, this is how we all used to breathe Who knew we could breathe wrong? I knew breath was important but had no idea that doing breathing exercises could improve my overall health and mindset.  Since I am always searching for ways to improve my life when I saw a video that assured me that in 19 seconds I could feel better, I thought, why not. Of course, I knew...

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Domestic Violence – the unseen impact on the families of Police Officers
Domestic Violence – the unseen impact on the families of Police Officers
Dedicated to slain officer’s Tom Baitinger and Jeffrey Yaslowitz, their families, co-workers, community, and pets, especially Ace. Violence is not the problem; it is a consequence of the problem – Jim Wallis I wrote this around 6 years ago but never posted it, while looking at some past writing I stumbled on it and felt that this was something I needed to share as nothing has changed over the years. That night, some 6 years ago on January 24, 2011,...

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Aftermath of Abuse, Yes, feeling anger and guilt are normal
Domestic Violence Surviving the anger and guilt
The reason that I wanted to write about the anger and guilt I believe many women suffer within the aftermath of abuse is because if you don't move past the anger and self-inflicted guilt you will never be happy.  Many times not dealing with these feelings causes you to attract more abuse into your life. Take the Time to Heal, it is Worth it! I am not a trained therapist, just a lady that lived through some of what you...

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15 Tips to Survive an Anxiety attack and how to Stop them before they Start!
Okay, I hate my life, my job sucks, the kids are fighting, I have no money, I can't breathe, my chest hurts, Oh my God I think I will die, I can't breathe .... Does that sound familiar? It sure does to me. I could work myself up into quite a tizzy on a moment's notice and didn't realize that I had the control to stop the anxiety attack. Granted taking medicine for a short time helped but the trick...

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You do not need to suffer in the silence of your depression and anxiety?
Do not suffer in the silence of your anxiety and depression. Today I was very moved to share a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression. Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate, Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by Jairo Alzate)
I just love, I often just go there to find talks that will inspire my day. Today I was very moved to shared a talk by Nikki Webber Allen about not suffering alone in your depression.   Much of what she shares I felt too, feeling that being depressed and having what is labeled GAD, generalized anxiety disorder made me inadequate. How was I supposed to share that and coach women? Over the last few years I have...

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Rituals can help you improve mental stress and anxiety
My Dramatic Mental Weight Loss – Rituals that helped me take control of my mental stress and anxiety. Over the last few years I have discovered that if I put certain things in place as rituals I didn’t stay in my self-induced funk as long as I had in the past. Stop by for immediate access to Free Goal & Progress Workbook and Checklists created to keep you Focused & Successful. (photo by D. Sharon Pruitt)
Over the last few years, I have discovered that if I put certain things in place as rituals I didn’t stay in my self-induced funk as long as I had in the past. Man was I dedicated, I could make a funk last for days, and even weeks if I tried or rather didn’t try. Anyway, one of the best rituals I have been doing for the past year or so has been listening to Joyce Meyers within the first...

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