Ask ReBecca – Domestic Violence Survivor Passion-Driven to help Women

ask rebecca

Yesterday I received the following question under Ask ReBecca:

I am writing because I am Passion-Driven to help Women of Domestic violence and Sexual Assault, I Am A Survivor of 43 years of Abuse and 4 years of a SoLo Life. I Am 57 Now With No Income and I Know it Takes Money to Make Money. I Feel Stuck, Please Any Suggestions Would Be Appreciated.

Thank You, Laurie

Dear Laurie,

I appreciate your reaching out. First I wanted to say that I am happy to hear that you have been Solo for 4 years, I have been away for over 25 years but so much of it continues to haunt me, it is an ongoing process. It will get better one day at a time, I often say for every day in abuse you need a day to heal, you will get there.

Many women that have been through what we have and managed to escape want to offer support to others, I commend you for that. 43 years is a really long time, sharing your wisdom and understanding with others is needed. So many others are stuck just like you were.

While it takes money to make money as you said, there are lots of ways you can support that cost nothing, I first started out on Forums and now can support others in Facebook groups geared to supporting women.  I focus on supporting women exactly in the place you are now, the aftermath.

I am sorry that you are feeling stuck, I assume you meant stuck after what you went through as well as how to help others and make income. There are many places hiring at this time and many with how the world is today can be done at home, there are lots of call center jobs that you do not have to have any experience for as well.

Make a list of all the things you are good at and see if there are ways to make money from that, I am not sure of your past but I bet you have many talents.  Make sure you print and use the freebie you got when you joined my email listing, it will help you focus more on what you want.

Feel free to write more in the comments here and I will reply back, provide me with more specifics about what exactly you are stuck with, dealing in the aftermath of abuse, finding a job, or both?

I wish you all the best in life, you deserve it! If you do not already follow join my Facebook group, I plan to share more there to support others.


Love & Peace,

P.S. I will only reply to an email if you put that it is safe to reply!
P.S.S. I like to post these in blog as it greatly supports others that struggle to ask for help