Do you suffer from the anxiety of wanting something so much that you yearn and crave to be doing it every minute of every day but you procrastinate? I do. I admit that I am a wannabee procrastinating dreamer. I procrastinate about writing, I think about writing all the time, I fall to sleep at night thinking about writing, I talk about writing; sadly, the only thing that I don’t do is actually write on a consistent basis.
Definition of procrastinating: to delay, put off doing something, postpone action, defer action, be dilatory, use delaying tactics, stall, temporize, drag one’s feet/heels, take one’s time, play for time, play a waiting game
What do you go to bed wishing you had done?
Do you want to paint, write, read, discover new recipes, do crafts, sing or become a pole dancer?
No matter what it is the fact that you keep thinking about it means that you either have to let the dream go, or face it head on and buy the damn pole already.
I encourage to become an Anti-Procrastinator with me!
Procrastination is a deeply ingrained pattern of behavior and I have been doing this for years. While this is sad it helps me to realize that I can’t be so hard on myself as a long time habit is hard to break.
- Let it go, let it go….. stop beating yourself up for all the procrastinating you have done to this point. Start with a clean slate today.
- Stop avoiding the issue! I will think of what I want to do and then as fast I can I push that thought away. I find something, anything to change my focus. Commit with me today to stop avoiding what needs to be done.
- Be kind to yourself, the fact that you are reading how to stop procrastinating is a good thing.
- Make yourself accountable – find a friend or co-worker, online group, someone to keep you accountable. I recently joined a mastermind facebook group and we had to put in the top 3 things we were committed to doing that week, I know feel like I want to show up.
- Stop the madness! I know for me that I work with a ton of tabs open on the computer, that is just how I like to work. But, this is not always good when I really need to focus on some things like my website and writing, it just takes one peek on Facebook or Pinterest and I am gone for hours. As much as it hurts, closing all the other tabs does help.
- Music is amazing. Depending on what type of work I need to do helps me decide on the music. When I really want to write I like music with no music, Bach and Beethoven and mind type music is great, the energy is amazing.
My dream is to actually write. Sure having books published and being on a best-seller list would be free icing on the cake, but not the real reason that I yearn and burn to write daily.
For me, writing is like putting my soul out there for everyone else to see. Baring your soul can be difficult for most women. I am far from being a perfectionist but there is something about allowing others to read my writing that keeps the thoughts held back in my head at times.
When I write to you it is not just to share my needs but to encourage you to share and pursue your own dreams and wants.
I had read a quote somewhere that said you must have a goal at all times to lead a really fulfilling life.
The quote didn’t go exactly like that but the meaning is that you should always have something in your life worth working hard at, once you reach it, you set another one. Most times we want something so bad that when we get it we are disappointed that we are not fulfilled. The key is to have multiple goals so that you are never without one.
What do you do when you find yourself putting important tasks off? Many struggle with this issue daily so by sharing what works for you, you will inspire another.
What goals have you set for yourself today? What are you committed to doing to bare your soul? I have committed to sharing these thoughts with you which brings me one step closer to my dreams.