To be Powerful and Successful you must have a morning routine, start with baby steps

To be powerful and successful you must have a morning routine

Daily Rituals

I have been working over the last year to create good daily rituals to help me be successful, one of the most important things that I do is listen or read something that inspires and motivates me, like coffee, I need the fix daily.

Today I wanted to share the interview below with Jim Kwik, I found it to be inspiring in regards to how important the morning ritual really is and I encourage you to listen to it more than once.

I always say, even if you just walk away with a tiny thing that motivates you, it was well worth the time. I am a big believer that things cross our path for a reason if you are reading this and then watch the video, this was something you needed.

Morning Rituals

To be powerful and successful you must have a morning routine For me, the reminder that I am doing something good for me as I do not touch my phone for a good hour after waking helped reinforce my morning ritual.  I am normally woken up by my 13-year-old daughter, she is an un-schooler and has normally just gotten up herself.

I work till around 3-4 am, her dad works from home so I am blessed that I get to sleep in.  So she wakes me up around 10 am with a great cup of coffee, she started doing this over a year ago and found it is a sure way to get mom out of bed.

Anyway, my routine is that I lay in bed for an hour or more, all alone with time to myself, I know this isn’t something many have the luxury to do and I am totally grateful for this every morning.

I say the same prayer before I take the first sip of coffee and then usually just pray as I drink the entire mug.  From there I think about how I would like my day to go, I love to visualize and read that this is a great way to have an idea of how you would like the day to do.

Today, as thoughts I didn’t need in my head yet such as work and stuff came in my head I did the countdown ritual to help me take action, I have been using it for years to help change negative thoughts I was having, while these were not bad thoughts, the countdown of  5, 4, 3, 2, 1 helped me to bring my thoughts back to how I wanted the day to go. I had to do this multiple times this morning but it works.

As I am writing this post I realized that I said I do not touch my phone, guess I do not count using an app to help me meditate isn’t the same thing as I am not checking emails, texting or going on social media, anyway, this app is helping me learn how to meditate, something I have wanted to do for years but struggle to do on my own.

Anyway, after the 5-minute meditation, I feel ready to plan the rest of the day, granted I want to do more but I never do so I decided to start small and make it a daily ritual when I woke to at least do the 5 minutes for now.

What are your Rituals?

During the talk with Jim Kwik I loved when he said, “questions are the key, make sure you are asking yourself ones to make you grow.” So this seems the right place to ask, “what are your rituals for success?”  Keep in mind that something you share may inspire someone else to don’t be stingy, share what works for you. Check out the video below, one of the most inspiring speeches by Jim Kwik, the power of the morning routine/facebook on Inside IQ Quest (if video not showing just paste this info in youtube) eMpowering Women


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