You bloomin fool, you’ve been planted, the rest is up to you

bloom where you are planted

We have all heard the wonderful saying, “bloom where you’re planted,” by Mary Engelbreit.

If you haven’t, well you must be under a really large heap of dirt in that garden of yours.

One of my favorite books is, “Simple Abundance,” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I’ve read it around 6-7 times by now, but every now and then, when I can’t seem to find my way in the world or I don’t seem to have a moment to myself, I somehow find myself yearning to read a page from this book and no matter what page I end up on it reminds me to live my life and no one else’s.

Today, I came across an entry for June 21st titled, “bloom where you’re planted.” I have heard this thought provoking saying repeatedly throughout my life and each time I read it I feel as if I am reading it for the first time, with fresh eyes; if that make sense. Ms. Breathnach captured the meaning for me when she wrote the following as quoted:

“As I have tried and failed and tried again, I have discovered that if we are to flourish as creative beings, if we are to grow into Wholeness, we must bloom where ever we are planted. Right now, you might not have the perfect career, home, or relationship. Few of us do. But if you have the gift of today, you’ve got another chance to re-create … “

She continues, but I feel that the reference above sums it up for me. We are always waiting for our big ship to come in rather than learning to better sail from the helm we are at today. For certain, as I am wishing for a bigger house, best-selling novel of the thinner thighs and smaller butt, my garden grows around me without my full attention; for whatever reason I suddenly look down to find my garden full of weeds and mal-nourished flowers.

I feel that to truly bloom where you’re planted you must live in the moment, at least this feels true for me. Every now and then I come across goals I had written years ago, the things I wanted in my life were laughter, a wonderful man, great sex, someone who would love to cook for me along with what was most important to me, especially after moving past domestic violence and that is safety and security. Sometimes I take that for granted. It is in the times where I remember to bloom today instead of waiting for new soil to dig my feet into; I realize that I have everything I have always dreamed of right under my own nose.

So, as the other saying goes, stop and smell the flowers, roses or whatever pretty scent is closest to your nose. Those who come to this blog come here for a reason, for assurance that they have made a right decision, to heal knowing that are not alone and to feel heard, even if just for a moment or you come to feel supported in living your best life.

The reason for this post was to remind me and hopefully you too, to live your life to the fullest where you are planted today. Even if you are not exactly where you want to be right now as you may be days out of a horrible, abusive life, but you are alive and today is a new day as corny as that sounds. I have always appreciated the fact that each day really is a clean slate.

So, wipe the sorrows of yesterday off and write a new story for today, one that has hope and laughter, fewer tears and more happiness. We can discuss the bad things that have happened to us for days, but it is also okay to let down our guards and enjoy the moment we are in now and bloom where you are planted. My prayer is that you can enjoy this moment to the fullest too.

How have you learned to appreciate the good times in your life now, compared to how things were? Do you journal, read, pray? When you share here you help another woman learn how to bloom where she is planted today too.

Love & Peace,

Check out my new Digital Gratitude Journal