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Women of Impact Blog

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you are just there for the ride?  

Have you ever gotten halfway through a crappy day and realized that you had the power to snap out of it but forgot you had that power?

The answer for me is a big Yes! I often admit that for me to be in a good mindset I need to fill my mind with something that lights a fire in my belly. For me, if I go too long without watching, reading or listening to something that inspires me, I feel off. The funny thing is I never realize this at the time, it is usually halfway through an off day.

When I feel this way I reach out to my online support group, Youtube! I had been following Lisa Bilyeu on her Instagram account and had really wanted to learn more about her. I first came across her Ted talk below and then I watched her channel, “Women of Impact.”

This ritual really turned around my day and my mindset and my hope is that it does the same thing for you.

I feel that everyone has a story and the more you listen to what shaped the lives of someone else, the more you understand what shaped yours.

When you hear someone else that has struggled, even if not the same things you went through, it helps. Watching and listening to Lisa sharing what shaped her thoughts and her admitting she still struggles today but does not let that stop her Success, how could you not feel inspired.  You go Lisa.

The 2nd video below is a conversation she had with Anna Yusim, she really helped me to understand all the voices that I have inside of me.  It was a strong reminder of why I need to meditate to silence all the voices of judgment inside my head.  That on its own is a daily battle. If you struggle to quiet your mind this is well worth your time to watch. I plan to watch it a second time myself.

I encourage you to watch Lisa’s Ted talk first to learn more about her and then check out the Woman of Impact interview with Anna. Let me know what thoughts these brought up for you. eMpowering Women




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